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Assembly Source File
144 lines
; LIBRARY routine which you may either store in a
; library, or simply compile it to an OBJ, and state:
; (in any way if you want to use it...)
; EXTRN HandleToName: Far
; Author: Inbar Raz
; Placed in public domain
Handle2Name Segment
assume cs:Handle2Name
public HandleToName
EntrySize EQU 0004h ; Length of table entry
EntryCount EQU 0004h ; Number of table entries
; FAR PROC HandleToName
; PURPOSE: Given a handle, return pointer to ASCIIZ file name
; INPUTS: BX = Handle of file to be named
; OUTPUTS: ES:DX => ASCIIZ file name (exactly 11 bytes long) (FCB format)
HandleToName proc far
push ax ; Save all used registers on stack
push cx
push dx
push si
push bp ; Will be used as the indes to the
; SFTLength and SFTName fields
push bx ; Save handle
mov ah,030h ; Get DOS version
int 21h
xchg al,ah ; Now adjust things for our compares
mov cx,EntryCount ; Four entries in table
call @@GetOff ; Figure out our offset
pop bx ; Calculate offsets. Since this is
; a FAR Library routine, offsets
; are never as reported by the
; assembler at compilation time.
mov bp,bx ; Calculate SFT offsets
dec bp ;
dec bp ; BP now points to SFTLength
add bx,CODELEN ; Calculate table's offset
cmp ax,word ptr cs:[bx] ; Is DOS version/rev correct?
ja @@got_values ; If it's greater, it's OK
add bx,EntrySize ; If not, check next entry
loop @@looky ; And jump back up
; should err_exit if < DOS 2.0 here, but...
mov ax,word ptr cs:[bx+00002h] ; Get SFTsize and NameOffs
mov word ptr cs:[bp],ax ; Store them the same way (cheat!)
; Since we need to access both in the
; same time, this will be the only time
; we actually use BP and not the EQU's
pop bx
mov si,bx ; Save original file handle in SI
mov ah,062h ; Get program's PSP
int 21h
mov es,bx
les bx,dword ptr es:[00034h] ; Point ES:BX to the PSP's JFT
mov al,byte ptr es:[bx+si] ; Now read table entry (index into SFT)
cbw ; Clear AH
mov si,ax ; Rememer the SFT index
mov ah,052h ; Get list of lists into ES:BX
int 21h
les bx,dword ptr es:[bx+00004h] ; Point ES:BX to the SFT
@@NextSFT: ; ES:BX => SFT at this point
cmp si,word ptr es:[bx+00004h] ; Is this handle in this SFT?
jb @@SFT_ok ; If so, we're in the correct table
sub si,word ptr es:[bx+00004h] ; If not, adjust index for next table
les bx,dword ptr es:[bx] ; And load address of next SFT
jmp @@nextSFT ; Loop back again
mov ax,si ; Recall our adjusted SFT index
mov dl,SFTlength ; SFTlength is the length of an SFT entry
mul dl ; AX = (SFT index) * (SFT length)
mov dl,SFTname ; SFTname = offset from start of SFT
xor dh,dh ; Clear out high half of DX
add ax,dx ; AX = SFTindex * SFTlength + SFTname
add bx,ax ; BX = Original offset + calc offset
mov di,bx ; Now ES:DX => File name string
pop bp
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax ; Restore all trgisters from stack
SFTlength EQU byte ptr cs:[bp]
SFTname EQU byte ptr cs:[bp+00001h]
db ?
db ?
; Format of data table:
; DosMin DB 0 ; Minor DOS version
; DosMaj DB 0 ; Major DOS version
; SFTsize DB ? ; System File Table entry size
; NameOffs DB ? ; Offset from SFT start to first name
Voodoo db 000h,004h,03Bh,026h ; Dos version 4.0
db 001h,003h,035h,026h ; Dos version 3.1
db 000h,003h,038h,027h ; Dos version 3.0
db 000h,002h,028h,00Ah ; Dos version 2.0
db 000h,000h,000h,000h ; 000h's, to end the compare.
HandleToName endp
Handle2Name ends